Managing Pests in and around your home

Managing Pests in and around your home

Friday Jun 28th, 2019


Prevention works best! ​

• Remove sources of food, water and shelter.

• Store food in sealed plastic or glass containers
ex: glass jars with rubber gaskets, or plastic containers with lids that snap tight.

• Rinse food containers before putting them in the garbage or recycling bins.
Ex: rinse pop cans and food cans before storing them in your recycle bins

• Keep kitchen countertops clean.

• Sweep or vacuum the floor regularly, especially around pet food dishes.

• Garbage containing food scraps should be placed in tightly covered trash cans.


Also, remove kitchen garbage containers regularly from your home.

• Place composters at a reasonable distance from your house.

• Fix leaky plumbing and don't let water accumulate anywhere in the home.
Also, don't let water collect in trays under your house plants or refrigerator & don't leave pet food and water out overnight.

• Clutter provides places for pests to breed and hide and makes it hard to get rid of them. Get rid of things like stacks of newspapers, magazines, or cardboard.

• Close off places where pests can enter and hide. For example, caulk cracks and crevices around cabinets or baseboards. Use steel wool to fill spaces around pipes. Cover any holes with wire mesh.

• Remove firewood from inside buildings and away from the sides of buildings.Also, do not bury stumps or other wood debris close to your house.

• Correct humidity problems in your home.

• Replace decaying or infested structural wood with sound material.

• Check for pests in packages or boxes before carrying them into your home.


Learn about the pests you have and options to control them; removal for a particular pest may be different than for others

Organic Remedies to eliminate or reduce bugs from your home

Some bugs do not like the smell of spices or essential oils such as:

- Basil: Use live basil plants to discourage bugs from entering your home.

- Bay leaves: place a bay leaf on the top of flour, dried beans, rice, grains, or other dry food stored in containers or packages. The bay leaves will deter bugs and will not harm the food. This will deter spider mites, aphids, etc.

- Hot Pepper: Make or purchase a hot pepper wax insect spray. Mix: water, dried red pepper flakes, and a few drops of liquid hot sauce (optional)


- Essential Oils: mix a few of them together and mist them in the corners of your kitchen. ex: tea tree oil, lavender, lemongrass, citronella, cinnamon and peppermint. 

Cinnamon essential oil method for deterring ants
1. Fill a spray bottle with tap water to the fill line
2. Add 5-10 drops of cinnamon essential oil.
3. Find where the ants are entering your home and spray liberally all around the area.
4. Then, spray all along the path they take.
5. For continued effectiveness spray nightly. You may also spray your kitchen counters after wiping them down
Food Grade Diatomaceous earth can be placed in cracks and crevices as a non-chemical means of control.

This powder is made up of crushed microscopic marine fossils that scratch the outer "skin" of bugs, causing them to dehydrate and die. Diatomaceous earth will remain active as long as it is kept dry. It is non-toxic to humans and pets, but be careful not to inhale the dust when applying this product.

Place duct tape sticky side up in an area populated by bugs. Bugs will get stuck on the tape as they walk by. Check and replace the used tape the following day.

When using store bought pesticides to control a pest problem, read the label to make sure you are using the best product for the pest in question. Read and follow the safety precautions especially when using the product around children and pets. Don’t use outdoor chemicals indoors and do not assume that twice as much is better.

A bait system is generally the first line of defense against insects or rodents. They can be very effective and have a relatively low-risk of exposure if kept away from children and pets.


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